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pages converter
PAGES is Apple’s word processor software that allows users to create documents on a variety of devices. It was originally developed in 2005 and includes various templates – resume, letter, poster etc. - that allows users to create quick documents on the go. PAGES, like most word processing applications, allows users to format text, add in images and charts and includes other well known features like the spellchecker. PAGES differs from other applications though in terms of accessibility – it is available on all Apple devices including phones and iPads. So it is often seen as the go to word processor for those who are on the move. As it is driven by templates compatibility with other document applications can be limited. It is possible to import some Microsoft Word Documents, but not all, and it doesn’t work at all with OpenDocument file formats.

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Ease of Use

You can convert a file for free in just a few clicks, without any need to register for an account.


We recognise that you have entrusted Zamzar with your files and your personal information, and handling your data is a serious responsibility; we want you to know how we go about doing that. Our privacy policy can be read here.

You're in good company:
Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006

PAGES Convert to PAGES

Using Zamzar it is possible to convert to PAGES from a variety of other formats

PAGES Converter - Convert file now

PAGES Convert from PAGES

Using Zamzar it is possible to convert from PAGES to a variety of other formats

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