LZH converter - online and free
Step 2 - Convert your files to
Or choose a different format

Cloud Based
Zamzar is a cloud-based conversion tool, which means you can convert your file from anywhere, providing you have a working internet connection!

All of our hardware runs in world-class, highly secure data centres utilizing state-of-the-art electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems.

Ease of Use
You can convert a file for free in just a few clicks, without any need to register for an account.

We recognise that you have entrusted Zamzar with your files and your personal information, and handling your data is a serious responsibility; we want you to know how we go about doing that. Our privacy policy can be read here.
You're in good company:
Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006
Convert to LZH
Using Zamzar it is possible to convert to LZH from a variety of other formats
- 7z to lzh (7-Zip Compressed File)
- cab to lzh (Cabinet File)
- rar to lzh (WinRAR Compressed Archive)
- tar to lzh (Tape Archive File)
- tar.bz2 to lzh (Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File)
- tar.gzh to lzh (Gzip Compressed Archive)
- yz1 to lzh (DeepFreezer Compressed Archive)
- zip to lzh (Compressed Archive File)
Convert from LZH
Using Zamzar it is possible to convert from LZH to a variety of other formats
- lzh to 7z (7-Zip Compressed File)
- lzh to tar.bz2 (Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File)
- lzh to cab (Cabinet File)
- lzh to tar (Tape Archive File)
- lzh to yz1 (DeepFreezer Compressed Archive)
- lzh to zip (Compressed Archive File)