CHM converter - online and free
Step 2 - Convert your files to
Or choose a different format

A CHM file has a full name of a Compiled HTML Help File and typically contains documentation in the form of a compressed HTML file. The type of documentation is typically help documentation that includes text, hyperlinks and even images. The file allows users to search and it can include tags making it an ideal format for a help manual. It was popular in the early days of the Web as they were fully compatible with early browsers. Their popularity started to wane after vulnerabilities surrounding the files were targeted leading to high profile hacking incidents. Help documentation has improved in the twenty years since CHM was popular leading to the file becoming used increasingly infrequently. Almost all modern web browsers still support the file although recommend caution when using it.

The addition of real-time conversions to the site means that you get your files converted that much more quickly.

All of our hardware runs in world-class, highly secure data centres utilizing state-of-the-art electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems.

Ease of Use
You can convert a file for free in just a few clicks, without any need to register for an account.

We recognise that you have entrusted Zamzar with your files and your personal information, and handling your data is a serious responsibility; we want you to know how we go about doing that. Our privacy policy can be read here.
You're in good company:
Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006
Convert from CHM
Using Zamzar it is possible to convert from CHM to a variety of other formats
- chm to azw3 (Amazon KF8 eBook File)
- chm to epub (Open eBook File)
- chm to fb2 (FictionBook 2.0 File)
- chm to oeb (Open eBook File)
- chm to lit (Microsoft eBook File)
- chm to lrf (Sony Portable Reader File)
- chm to mobi (Mobipocket eBook)
- chm to mp3 (Compressed audio file)
- chm to pdf (Portable Document Format)
- chm to pdb (Palm Media eBook File)
- chm to pml (eBook File)
- chm to prc (Mobipocket eBook File)
- chm to rb (RocketEdition eBook File)
- chm to tcr (Psion eBook File)
- chm to txt (Text Document)