ODT converter - online and free

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odt converter
An ODT file is also called an OpenDocument Text file, and was originally developed by the Apache Software Foundation. The file itself is similar to a DOCX file and can contain text, images, tables, and shapes, and be formatted with different fonts and text sizes.

ODT files are often created using open-source word processing programs like LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice, which, unlike Microsoft Office, are free to use. Programs like these are becoming increasingly popular and, because of this, ODT files are becoming more commonplace. This type of file can be opened with any word processor, including Microsoft Word.

Fast Downloads

We've recently developed real-time conversions, which means you never have to leave our site to convert and download your file.

Help is on Hand

We have X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram pages, where you can always ask us a question and our social media team will help you out.

High Quality

Zamzar prides itself on the highest-quality file conversion, so you won’t be able to tell the difference between your uploaded file and your newly converted file.


We recognise that you have entrusted Zamzar with your files and your personal information, and handling your data is a serious responsibility; we want you to know how we go about doing that. Our privacy policy can be read here.

You're in good company:
Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006

ODT Convert to ODT

Using Zamzar it is possible to convert to ODT from a variety of other formats

  • doc to odt (Microsoft Word Document)
  • docx to odt (Microsoft Word 2007 Document)
  • md to odt (Markdown Document)
  • pdf to odt (Portable Document Format)
  • pps to odt (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
  • ppsx to odt (Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Slide Show)
  • ppt to odt (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
  • pptx to odt (Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation)
  • pub to odt (Microsoft Publisher)
  • tex to odt (LaTeX Document)
  • wpd to odt (WordPerfect Document)
  • wps to odt (Microsoft Works Document)

ODT Converter - Convert file now

ODT Convert from ODT

Using Zamzar it is possible to convert from ODT to a variety of other formats

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